Online Tuition: Safeguarding Procedures for Parents/Carers
To ensure that all young people stay safe online, we ask that you follow our safeguarding procedures, which is best practice for everyone:
• Access to the online lesson platform is only via an invitation from the tutor only.
• Your child/young person must take part in the online lesson in a suitable room and be appropriately dressed (they should be fully dressed in clothing that covers the top and bottom half of the body).
• Please make sure there’s an appropriate adult nearby, in the house.
• Any contact with the tutor outside of the lesson time will always be from the parent/carer only, using the tutor’s email or telephone. A tutor is never able to accept ‘friend requests’ from a tutee on any social media platform. It is a professional tutor-and-student relationship only.
Home-School Tutoring also has an ‘Online Tuition: Safeguarding Agreement for Tutors’.
Again, this is best practice to keep all children safe online.
Our tutors agree to the following expectations:
• Home-School Tutoring has strong safeguarding processes in place and all our tutors are vetted, reference checked, and DBS checked. We are vigilant about safeguarding, as are our tutors.
• Tutors will not contact you, the parent/carer, outside of any pre-arranged online lesson times using online lesson tools. If a tutor needs to contact you, they will do this through the usual procedures of email or telephone.
• Tutors will never contact a child or young person or communicate with them outside of an agreed online lesson session. Any communication from the tutor, will always be via the parent/carer through their email account or via their telephone contact number.
• Tutors will watch through and check any links or videos they may direct your child to. They will make sure everything they use is age appropriate.
• Tutors will use appropriate language/behaviour throughout any online lesson and maintain expected teachers’ standards.
• Tutors will ensure they are using an appropriate office space or communal living space throughout any online lesson.
• A tutor will never accept a friend request from a tutee on any social media platform or make any direct contact with a tutee outside of agreed lesson time.