Tutor Vacancies
We urgently need more well-qualified, dedicated tutors to join our team
All vacancies are for self-employed tutors paid on an hourly basis.
Register your interest for further details and the hourly rate.

Primary tutor
In person in TN38
One hour a week after school
Lessons to be delivered in the student's home
KS2 student - Year 5
Maths & English
REF: HST 0801

Primary tutor
In person in TN24
2 hours a week after school
Lessons to be delivered in the student's home
KS2 student - Year 3
Maths & English
REF: HST 0802

11+ tutor
In Person in ME17
Two hours a week after school
Lessons to be delivered in the student's home
KS2 student - Year 5
English, VR & NVR
REF: HST 0803

GCSE Maths tutor
2 hours a week during the day
Home Educated Student
Year 10
REF: HST 0804

A-Level Geography
1 hour a week after college
Year 13 student
Help with exam technique
REF: HST 0805

Primary tutor
In Person in BN26
Four hours a week daytime
Lessons in the student's home
KS2 student with SEN
REF: HST 0806